Thursday, November 4, 2010

A day in the life of Julie

Went to the city all by myself yesterday!  It was very empowering.  I went on Monday with my teammate Jeremy to watch a movie ($2.45 for a movie, can’t beat that!), so I felt like I could manage on my own this time.  I did, and didn’t get lost once!  Unfortunately the reason for my going wasn’t so cool.  We had a craaaaazy thunderstorm here on Sunday night, and while my computer itself was not plugged in, I left the a/c adaptor plugged in and it got fried, so my computer wouldn’t recharge anymore.  Thankfully I was able to find one in the city that works, though it cost about $55.  When your stipend is $100 a month that’s pretty painful.  Of course, all of my living expenses are taken care of, I am sure I will manage fine!  After getting back to the township, I was walking the two blocks from where the taxi dropped me off to the house.  These three girls from the neighborhood were playing and decided to accompany me on my walk.  Just as I was wondering how they manage to walk around barefoot with so much broken glass around, I somehow managed to flip a piece of the broken glass into my flip flop and get a nice little cut in my heel.  Thankfully it’s nothing big, and my mom had given me Neosporin and Band-Aids before I came, so I was set.  After a Skype chat with my brother, sister-in-law, and nieces I emerged from my room to discover a mouse had made its way into Petunia’s bedroom.  We then spent about 45 minutes trying to coax the neighborhood cat into her room to see if it could find the mouse.  After much time, energy, fish, and milk expended, the cat was too skittish to do us much good and just sat at the door meowing to get out.  There you go-for those of you wondering what my typical day looks like…that was not it, but it was an interesting one! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ju! It sounds like some challenging times! I guess you won't be able to keep your ac/adaptor plugged in any more! Lightning seems to like computers. I'm so glad that I picked up that Neosporin for you too. It's good to keep that stuff on hand. How do the kids keep from getting cut,or do they? Take care! Love you! Mom
